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Showing posts from May, 2010

Ode to my mom

One of the great things about entering adulthood is that you develop a new relationship with your parents. When I was a child my mother was the constant loving, attentive mother who was there to help me, discipline me, love me, play with me, and teach me.  As I entered into my teen years she was still there, but as more of an enforcer - not in a bad way - but in the way a teenager needs their mom to be. She asked the questions "Who? When? Where? Why? How late?", she waited up till she heard me come home from late night activities, she soothed me when my fragile, ridiculous teenage heart was broken, and, most importantly, she would always scratch my back during church. A few more years passed and I "grew up", went off to college and found myself applying all the things I had learned from her.  I was able to clean a house (didn't mean it was always clean, but I could do it), prepare a meal, sew a button, etc. How many times had I whined when she made me do those...