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Whoa? What? I'm fine! Just walking it off!

This post is dedicated to Emily - she challenged/told me to post this. I have lots of embarrassing stories (drugs on my driveway), and here's another one.

Lately my days have been filled with meetings. Not just a meeting here and a meeting there, but days where I don't see my desk till about 3 or 4 pm. Well yesterday I had one meeting. ONE! And I decided to celebrate the only way I know how - going out to eat. I've been really good about bringing my own lunch - cheaper, healthier, saves time, etc. So I felt like I really deserved this little treat. I didn't have anyone to go with me, so I decided to just run in, grab it and come back and eat at my desk and read.

I pulled into the parking lot, entered the restaurant and just walked straight ahead to get in line and place my order. Halfway up the line my right foot slips and goes flying forward! I didn't even quite register what was happening, but dance techniques must have kicked in. My left foot went backwards and I dropped into the splits. Something I haven't done in over ten years. Do you know what happens to those muscles over ten years of not being used? They get tight, really tight!

As I went into my awesome splits, my hands flew up and grabbed the ledge that was next to me; the same ledge that had a table of four guys on the opposite side. I quickly bounced up, looked around and then just walked forward as if nothing had happened. My groin was in some serious pain and I was fighting off a limp, but there was no way I was about to let people see that I was hurt. I had a few stares, but I refused to acknowledge to anyone what had just happened.

Am I prideful? Yes. Am I a klutz? Of course. Can I walk-off any injury thrown at me? I'll try my hardest and make my father proud. Suck it up!


Ha ha ha! I love it. Nothing makes my day like hearing your stories of humiliation.
Emily Hayes said…
LOL! Erin of course that would happen to you. I can just picture it now. Seriously, you need to compile your stories and sell it to some network who can make a show off of you. You KILL me.
Cindy Lou said…
Oh my gosh Erin!!! I can no longer read your stories while at work because I just laughed in a members ear lol. You have the best stories!!! :)
Unknown said…
Yeah, you seriously can't read this without letting out an audible laugh. This is NOT LQTM!

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