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Oh the places you'll go!

If I don't have a vacation to plan, I get really ansy. In fact, one of my greatest fears in life is that I'll have to stop traveling. I know there are greater fears to have, but this is one of mine, and until I have a family of my own I'm sure it will stay this way for some time. Over the past four years I've been able to see Italy, Greece, France, Jerusalem, Jordan, Egypt, London, Chicago, NYC, St Louis, Cincinnati, Columbus, and more.

And now I get to add one of my all time desired destinations... JAPAN!!! That's right, I'm heading to the Land of the Rising Sun.

Domo arigato!


Beth and Jess said…
Have fun and I expect a full travel log!!!! And yes I am jealous.
kristin said…
I'm glad you through Columbus and Cincinnati into your list.

"We can't all live in our favorite vacation spots. Then everyone would live in Hawaii and Italy and Cleveland"
kristin said…
And I'm glad I used the wrong "through" in that last comment.

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