Well Kristin tagged me and I'm bored, so here are my ten things.
I am... a geek at heart.
I know... everything about Harry Potter and I'm proud of it
I want... a Nikon D90
I have... to iron my shirts
I miss... my tap classes
I hear... the theme song from Mario Bros in my head all the time
I smell... like fish and tempura right now. (thanks for dinner Hoshino's)
I crave... turkey sandwiches w/ sprouts and avocado
I search... for fun and interesting websites everyday
I always... giggle at the most inappropriate moments (Grandpa's funeral, the chapel in the temple, etc)
I believe... that anyone and everyone would want to be my BFF if they only knew me.
I sing... like a rock star when I'm in the car but whisper when I'm in public or in church
I lose... everything, especially chapstick.
I win... being the favorite aunt. Hands down, no contest!
I never... know what to do with my hands in any given situation
I listen... to books on my iPod at work and pull up screens on my computer so I look busy when people walk by. (Kristin and I are pro's at this)
I am scared... that I may drop a baby and of my grandma's basement
I need... to stop watching Lifetime Moment of Truth Movies, but damn I love them!!!
I am happy... when I'm planning a trip, reading a good book or in a book store
I tag... you and your mom - aka Dean, Charity, Stacy, Beth, Corine, Rachel, Jenny, Steph, Lyndsey, Erin Cazier (if you even read this blog Erin), Julie, Jill, Brooke, Tiffany, Megadeath, Michelle, basically if you're reading this I'm tagging you!
I am... a geek at heart.
I know... everything about Harry Potter and I'm proud of it
I want... a Nikon D90
I have... to iron my shirts
I miss... my tap classes
I hear... the theme song from Mario Bros in my head all the time
I smell... like fish and tempura right now. (thanks for dinner Hoshino's)
I crave... turkey sandwiches w/ sprouts and avocado
I search... for fun and interesting websites everyday
I always... giggle at the most inappropriate moments (Grandpa's funeral, the chapel in the temple, etc)
I believe... that anyone and everyone would want to be my BFF if they only knew me.
I sing... like a rock star when I'm in the car but whisper when I'm in public or in church
I lose... everything, especially chapstick.
I win... being the favorite aunt. Hands down, no contest!
I never... know what to do with my hands in any given situation
I listen... to books on my iPod at work and pull up screens on my computer so I look busy when people walk by. (Kristin and I are pro's at this)
I am scared... that I may drop a baby and of my grandma's basement
I need... to stop watching Lifetime Moment of Truth Movies, but damn I love them!!!
I am happy... when I'm planning a trip, reading a good book or in a book store
I tag... you and your mom - aka Dean, Charity, Stacy, Beth, Corine, Rachel, Jenny, Steph, Lyndsey, Erin Cazier (if you even read this blog Erin), Julie, Jill, Brooke, Tiffany, Megadeath, Michelle, basically if you're reading this I'm tagging you!
2) Congrats on going through the temple. I went through Timpanogas too. It sounds like it was a wonderful day!
3) Where was the seashell?