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What makes me happy

I never know what to blog about and just the other day The Red Head Pirate (I'm using code names for my friends - inspired by The Read Head Pirate who gave me this idea on her own blog) called me names and told me to blog about something because she was sick of not seeing an update.

I've decided to share with you what a great evening I've had.  It takes very little to please me; as you'll soon learn what made my night so great. I spent half the evening with Hoops running errands and during our errands we encountered several ridiculous people. One of the joys of hanging out with Hoops is that we find humor in any given situation so while most would be irritated with our night and the sales people who helped us, we instead loved every minute and laughed all night long. 

After running errands I came home and finished reading Crossing to Safety (highly recommended). Reading is probably one of, if not, my favorite things to do. I love everything about books - the smell of books and book stores just make me smile. I can spend hours in a book shop, library or in my room reading.  One of my dreams is to open a book store/travel shop/bakery/daycare with Hoops and The Pirate. 

After a delightful hour of reading I decided it was time to listen to music. I'm very passionate about music and I love to check out new bands. Tonight I spent a good hour buying new music and then another hour just laying on my bed listening to music.  Some of the new bands (new to me) I'm checking out are  - Natalie Portman's Shaved Head, Tokyo Police Club, Carolina Liar and Chromeo.   Here's a sample of what I've been listening to tonight: David Gray, Joshua Radin, The Weepies, Sufjan Stevens, Kings Of Leon, Dave Matthews Band, Iron and Wine and Band of Horses.  I'm obviously in a mood to chill - these aren't exactly upbeat bands.  

This is what makes a great night for me - hanging out with friends, a good book, good music and of course a diet coke. Like I said - I'm easily entertained and pleased.  

So to anyone who reads this blog, what is your ideal relaxing night?


Kacey and Joe said…
Well I love this post, and I think that "hoops" is a better name than "Jew lover" for sure. Although I do love Joseph the Jew, it probably isn't appropriate for the world to know. :)
Marti said…
You are so funny! I wish my relaxing nights could include as much ACTUAL relaxing as yours do! My fav....a little cardio while watching TLC at the gym. I'm sure not very exciting to most, but oh I feel better once I can clear my head after a long day. If only I could justify a way to bring a Sonic Route 44 Diet Coke with me....

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